Negotiating | 2 of 10 | Multiple offers. Do you want it?

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Hi, my name is [YOUR NAME]. I am a Realtor here in [YOUR CITY]. When we find the right house there may be other buyers that want it. It’s important that we discuss the best approach before it happens. I like to simply ask… “What do you want? And what do you want to do to get it?” If you tell me you really want it, then I will approach things differently then if you feel on the fence about it. I will start by checking the pricing, and also how long it has been listed. I will also contact the listing agent to try and get some insight. The bottom line is this… You are driving the transaction and my job is to help you reach your goal. You may choose to pass on a house if there are multiple offers, but if you want it… like really want it, then let me know and we will make a solid plan to get it. And please remember, it’s easy to get caught up in wanting something that you may not be able to have. Try to remove yourself from the emotions if possible. As long as we have a good open line of communication, then we will do our best to secure the right home. Ok, that’s it for now! Thanks for being here, and make sure to check out the MORE FROM [your name here] button on this page for more great content. And if you are a homeowner, claim your free home management system below by clicking the FREE HOME MANAGEMENT SOFTWARE button at the bottom of this page. There is a video there that will explain what I am giving you, so take a look. And if you are watching this on YouTube, then subscribe, click the bell, and look for the link in the description to find the page I am talking about so you can get your free home management software! Thanks so much again and feel free to pass this along to your friends, neighbors and even your work colleagues if they need my help. Have a great day and happy house hunting! Bye!
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